Winter's Bone is a 2010 film directed by Debra Granik and stars Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes. This film is the tragic tale of Ree (Lawrence), a seventeen year old girl searching for her father Jessup in a rural town. Jessup is on the run from the law and put the family house up for his bond. Ree must find her father in seven days or her and her two younger siblings are going to lose the house. There is only one problem, none of Jessup's friends will tell Ree where he is. They even threaten to kill her. Ree must enlist the help of her uncle Teardrop (Hawkes) if she is going to save the day.
I was interested in this film because it won best picture and best screenplay at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. To be honest with you, I have no idea how this movie could have won best picture. This movie has almost no story and no point. Ree just runs around looking for her dad and everyone tells her to just give up. I just did not feel sympathy for her family. The dialogue was pretty impressive, but the country dialect that the actors spoke in seemed forced at times. It was a little too much. Do not get me wrong, the movie was not bad, it was just not worthy of the Grand Jury Prize. The acting was pretty good. Lawrence performed very well and we see John Hawkes (Deadwood, Eastbound & Down) like we've never seen him before. Overall, this movie was alright. It is not my cup of joe, but it may be yours.
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